10 Day Detox Program.
Learn how to detox your body by awakening the antioxidant and repair systems in your body. Learn what to eat, when to eat and what to avoid to begin to switch on the longevity genes inside your cells that have been laying dormant due to an overload of toxins in our bodies.
The Results:
Reduced inflamation in the body, improved digestion, increased energy, mental clarity, creating the conditions in your body for healing, clear skin, ideal weight, improvement and discover true allergens, sensitivites and overal health.
Hand-held guidance through the Grow a New Body Program as designed by Shaman and Medical Anthropoligist Dr Alberto Villoldo.
Dr Villoldo has designed a program on how to detoxify your body, repair your brain, and improve your overall wellbeing.
Our bodies have become toxified due to our diets, our environments, and our lifestyles. As a result, many of our bodies’ self-repair systems have shut down. But we can reverse these effects by combining energy medicine practices, shamanic healing, and a healthier diet.
Clean food, water, and air, as well as efficient energy medicine, can help grow a new, more efficient body and trigger your body’s repair mechanisms.
As a Functional Nutritionist and assistant to Dr Villoldo's Grow A New Body Detox Program. I will guide and support you through this 10 Day Program.
(30 day optional and 7 day holsitic in person retreat in Mexico available)
Contact me for more information.
The Program Includes:
- 1 x Zoom session - introduction and explanation of the logistics of the program
- 1 x Check-in support call
- Intention Setting and Visioning for your 10-day program
- Food Prep and Cooking Tips to simplify.
- Toxin Reduction Tips.
- Recommended hydration levels and practices for optimal cleansing
- Advice on all aspects of the program inc supplementation, intermittant fasting, what to eat/not to eat, How to prepare, what to do post detox to avoid re-tox and how to continue and stick with your new found levels of energy and vitality!
10 Day Online Detox Program
Earth Medicine Healing's 10 Day Detox will push the Reset button on your health, will Renew the parts of your brain that are keeping you stuck, unfocused and unproductive and will Restore your natural energy, glowing skin, enthusiasm for life and connection with yourself as nature.
As your whole system comes into balance, you will look, feel and think differently. As a result, you will begin to make better food and lifestyle choices that will support you in every area of your life.
Includes 10 daily emails and the 10 Day Detox Guide to support you on your journey. This is a downloadable product.
BONUS: Pre and Post consulation to get your started and set you up for continued success!
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