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Semillas (Say-mi-yas) is a 5-week journey

of self-awareness and personal transformation.

Planting the Seeds to create a life you love.

You will totally transform the way you look at your life experiences.

Experience the interconnectedness of life,

nature and yourself to form the basis of a grounded spiritual practice.

You will learn how to nourish your body and awaken your mind using herbal plant medicines.

How to open your heart to self-love and connection (inner peace) with Cacao

Become the visionary, someone who consciously and powerfully creates their own reality.

Through the art and ritual of ceremony, you will find
your truth, and embody the sacred wisdom teachings of the Medicine Wheel that lead to a life of joy, freedom from the pastand a deep connection to your soul (nature).


A Cacao Inspired Journey around the Medicine Wheel

What if I told you that there was a way
to find the strength to let go
of what has never served you.
A way to heal and release the past,
seeing it as the medicine for your awakening. 
To create a deep connection with yourSelf,
so you feel more confident in your life choices.
Develop practices to feel healthy, vibrant and energized by your life.

A way to align yourself with the forces of nature and the medicines of the earth,
so that you feel deeply connected and guided by the cycles of life
and the elements that reveal a renewed sense of purpose.

A heart centered spiritual practice that is grounded in the four cardinal directions
and that mirrors back to you a way  to step boldly and courageously onto the path of the highest, most authentic, version, of your best life.

Yes this is totally possible, why?


Because this is the path that I have been blessed to walk,

to arrive at where I am today. 

5 years ago, my life was in a totally different place.

My relationships were in turmoil, my career dreams were shattered and my health and sense of self had deteriorated.  I had what I thought was a strong spiritual practice but when my ‘wake-up call’ from the universe showed up a few months short of my 40th birthday, my clean diet, yoga practice, sporadic meditation practice and all the spiritual knowledge I had gained from the countless spiritual books I had read, were helpful and full of feel-good affirmations, but they were not quite enough to pull me out of the sinking hole that I was in. 

I had ‘spiritual knowledge’ , but not an embodied living practice. Big difference! 

I finally made the decision to surrender to what I realized was a calling, an awakening. 


I got out of my analytical mind and took a soul-full journey into my heart, guided by the wisdom teachings of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel.

Only then, was I able to experience deep healing and transformation.

I was led by spirit, on a spiritual journey that took me to;


the healing waters on the beaches of Mexico, Dominican Republic and Ibiza,

the Ausangate Mountains and to the Sacred Valley in Peru,

the nutritional and shamanic energy medicine healing and sacred fire ceremonies at the home

and retreat center of my teacher in Chile, provided deep mind, body and spirit healing. 

During this time I received certifications in: 
Shamanic Energy Medicine, Cacao Ceremony Facilitation, Shamanic Reiki,
Yoga Teacher Training, Wild Women Circle Leadership and Oracle Card School.


I am honored to have learned from Cacao and Tobacco Medicine Carriers, from Guatemala

and have received Rites of Passage from Quero Peruvian Shamans. 

As I sat around the fire with Peruvian Maestros, I witnessed the earth-based practices

of the Quero (descendants of the Incas),  how to honor and come into a right relationship with the earth

and with the elements of nature.  I am blessed to have learned first hand, from indigenous grandmothers how to use plant medicines to heal our bodies and to interpret our dreams. 


This entire journey was held, supported and guided by the teachings of the Shamanic Medicine Wheel, that I was taught and guided through by my teacher. 


These practices came to me when I needed them the most, and I fully embraced it without really understanding where it was all going.  It just felt like the next step to take and each pathway and opportunity magically opened up, one after the next.  This journey has changed my life and I feel truly blessed to have access to this wisdom and these life-changing experiences. 


What I love about Shamanism and the journey around the Medicine Wheel is that you don’t have to change your religious/spiritual practices or beliefs. It connects your spiritual life with your every day life so they are one and the same.

Although this is not a journey to become a Shaman, the steps are practical and can be used by anyone from all walks of life. It is simply an earth-based practice that allows you to bring balance to your life and to find your authentic self, with no deities, no worship, and no rules - just real-life tangible and powerful practices that are accessible to all.

I truly believe that each one of these journeys was gifted to me, 

as I let go of everything that I thought I knew and instead opened up to the mystery.

Trusting that this would all lead to the evolution of my soul, and it did!


One cold and starry night in the Ausangate Mountains when I couldn't sleep,

I received a message to "Heal my Soul with Plants". 

By this time, I knew that when spirit calls you must answer, so I did,

and although the journey wasn't easy, I continued to be led with grace on my healing journey. 

Part of this sacred contract was to take this knowledge and to lead others on their path to health and healing.

So here I am today ready to lead, to share and to inspire.


This may not be everyone's calling, direction or path to healing, however, what I do know, is that we all have a story and disempowering things we tell ourselves are true.

We are here to awaken to love, to our own truth, our own wisdom and authentic self and that requires life experiences where we get to face all aspects of our humanity.

After integration of this work, I am ready to help those who feel the calling, who are tired of living an unfulfilled life, and who are ready to plant the Seeds of change, to learn, to grow and to heal.



Journey through the medicine wheel, the path of transformation,
turning our wounds into sources of power

semillas = seeds

Semillas is the Spanish word for Seeds.

I chose Semillas as the name for my program as a powerful reminder that the thoughts we think act as seeds and become rooted and planted in our mind.

These Semillas grow into our beliefs, our words, our actions

and the circumstances and events that show up in our lives. 

We must tend to our garden, pull out the weeds by the roots, nurture and feed the soil of our mind with new and inspired thoughts and plant the seeds of change that will grow into a variety of colorful

and beautiful experiences that we get to call our life.


We will all be called on our own personal Hero’s or Warrior Goddess journey in one or several points in our lives,

many of us are in the middle of one right now, and my hope is that I can throw you a 'vine' of rescue, extend a helping hand and to open your heart to assist you in finding your own medicine, your own gifts,
innate wisdom, and ultimate healing.

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Cate Baily.jpeg
Cate Baily

Kundalini Yoga Montclair

I know it will be transformative for people as you are a powerful, insightful and true teacher and the practices you share are deep.

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Qwell Meditation Montclair

The Cacao Ceremony was a transformative journey. You will leave feeling more connected to yourself and others. So healing, So powerful. A unique experience that you cannot miss out on.

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Anna Winkler

Shakti Yoga Maplewood

Hyacinth knows how to lead a Ceremony. Let her take you on this journey to the Cacao Goddess. You won't be disappointed!



There is no right path.  It becomes clear when you choose it.


Knowing how to bring yourself back into balance when ‘life happens’.

Finding your own medicine, discovering your truth and having the tools to heal yourself.

Being able to bring ancient wisdom to today’s modern world to create balance and receive clarity and direction. 

Feeling connected to nature and living in right relationship to spirit and the earth
Being open to receiving signs from nature and trusting the wisdom of the universe. 


Creating a deep connection with the spirit of Cacao as she gently opens and heals your heart.

With a grounded spiritual practice that balances your meditation, Yoga or fitness practice
that allows you to live and experience life fully in your body aligned with your heart and mind.


Learning how to heal your soul with plants as medicine and teachers.

Trusting the guidance of spirit knowing that you are never alone, guided, protected and loved. 

So grounded and spiritually aligned’ and not thrown off by the cycles of the moon, mercury in retrograde or the latest relationship encounter and what to do when this happens.

Becoming a steward of the earth, feeding her life force and your own in return.

Having a team of spiritual allies and guides to call on for clarity and guidance.

Sitting in Ceremony with like minds on an epic journey to transform, creating community,

support and the network of powerful tribe. 

Free from overwhelm with all the rituals, moon circles, affirmations, visualizations,

books to read, mental activities and daily tasks. Simplify!

Using the ancient spiritual practices of the medicine men/women

and the wisdom keepers, to guide you in your own life.

Peruvian Medicine


We will begin our journey with a Cacao Ceremony setting our intentions,  
planting the Seeds of change
before moving to our first direction of the Medicinal Wheel ~The South.

For each week and each direction of the Medicine Wheel (South, West, North & East),

you will receive a special gift.


A tool for transformation that will become an integral part of the ‘Medicine';

for your healing journey. Each item will support, ground and uplift you on your way and for life!

Peruvian Medicine



  • A Medicine Stone or Crystal from Nature

  • Archetypal Spirit Animal Medicine/Wisdom 

  • Alchemical Plant and Herbal Medicine/Wisdom

  • Earth Medicine Recipe to nourish and strengthen your body and awaken your mind on your journey.






Each week is individual and builds upon and flows into the next until you are standing back in the center of your life,

in the flow with a clear direction and purpose. 


The comprehensive journey will give you full support in helping you to move through what’s holding you back

while being supported by the forces of nature.


We will look at our bodies as the mirrors of the beliefs and agreements we hold in heart and our soul

and move towards releasing them to reveal a new body that ages, heals and transforms differently.


You will embody the principle that healing happens at the level of energy not the level of our stories.

We sit with them to understand and digest, but then we give them to the earth,

the great mother who will mulch and grow beauty and wisdom for us.


Recognize the intangible forces, your personal energetic tribe of supporters that you already have around you,

plus the community of our tribe that each week will hold you in sacred space

and see you for the Sage that you are -  you are not alone.


You will learn to see the aliveness in all things and recognize the sacred in everything

as you step into awareness and make peace with your past.


You will learn how to bring balance, healing, and illumination to yourself and your loved ones.


You will experience the power and transformative benefits of community

and ceremony and becoming a steward of the planet.

Image by Luz Mendoza


Over the past 20 years I have been a dedicated practitioner of Holistic Health, Yoga, Spirituality and Alternative Health.

I truly believe that food is Earth's Medicine and that for every ailment there is a plant, bush, bark, leaf or fruit out in nature to heal it, and I am living proof!

My passion for education and learning have taken me to places far and wide. I have had the honor and pleasure to study with well known Teachers and Shamans in the areas of Nutrition, Mind Body Medicine and the Shamanic Healing Arts.

I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Raw Food Chef, Yoga Teacher and Shamanic Energy Practitioner and Shamanic Reiki Healer.

I am a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, Kula Collective, The Four Winds Light Body School and Collette Baron Reid Oracle School.


This journey has taken me from just sharing my passion for healthy foods to living and sharing what my Shamanic Teacher Alberto Villoldo calls, The Four Insights: the way of The Hero, The Luminous Warrior, The Seer and The Sage.

I am here to share these teachings, this medicine of the soul that connects humanity back to the nature within and without. My intention is to support you in healing and releasing the past so that you can live a full and magical life, doing what you love and loving what you do with a healthy body, open heart and an awakened mind.

I travel the world, doing what I love and loving what I do, and look forward to co-creating this journey with you.

"I came to Hyacinth during a very difficult time in my life looking for spiritual guidance, healing and to help me manifest a new reality. 

From our first session, her genuine and effortless warmth made me feel at ease. She carefully walked me through the cacao ceremony and then patiently listened to my story. Her empathy and wisdom allowed me to open up to her in a way that I was not able to do with other people or professionals and shifted my perception of what my life could be. What I thought was a black and white reality suddenly filled with color. Through her teachings with the Medicine Wheel, the Four Directions, chakra work, and more, the blockages that I had in my life suddenly started to flow. I became more aware of my surroundings, nature and the subtle blessings that surround me daily. 

I am able to live my life more fully than I could before and I have the confidence and tools to cope with whatever comes my way. I am able to be more present, appreciate the beauty around me, and to listen to my intuition and the signs from nature. Words cannot do justice for the help that Hyacinth has given me as a teacher and healer. She has given me the gift of being able to recognize the potential that is within me and to be grateful for the help that is surrounding me. I cannot recommend her enough! Thank you Hyacinth! "

- Andrea S









Early bird, pay in full and payment plan options available. 

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